Getting Started
Start by choosing an online platform like Shopify to sell your hemp-derived CBD products. These platforms have built-in SEO and tools to help you navigate the unique marketing landscape.
Create a branded website that includes detailed product descriptions and imagery. Then, optimize your site for keywords related to CBD.
Design a layout that accommodates the customer journey of first-time buyers and regular customers alike. For example, you can have a self-assessment quiz or a quick product selection guide in the header area to give them more personalized recommendations.
Make sure your products are made with quality CBD extracts and third-party lab testing results to validate their purity, strength and potency. This helps increase your customer confidence, while boosting sales and profits.
Get Credible Advocacy
The CBD market is growing rapidly thanks to a surge in first-hand accounts, patient advocacy and evangelism, which is why it’s important to partner with credible advocates who share your brand values and can speak about the products with authority. These individuals can also provide testimonials and other first-hand accounts or stories, which you can reference in your product listings.
Use a variety of channels to promote your store and products, including social media and traditional advertising. Using a variety of advertising platforms will help you reach more people, and can improve your return on investment (ROI).
While CBD isn’t yet mainstream, it’s still an exciting niche that’s set to grow in popularity over the coming years. With the right business model and the right team, you can launch a successful business in the industry.